So you want to be mine?
It takes much more than just saying " I want to serve you" to actually get there.
1. Have you done your research, reviewed my site front and back, twice?
2. Have you sent tribute to be acknowledged and considered for
such a rare and highly sought after position?
This isn't findom, but don't expect to be noticed without
tribute when you are one of many inquiries for this
position every day.
3. Have you submitted a request via form to be considered,
interviewed and taken seriously?
4. Have you introduced yourself in person at an event? Have you
presented an official bow and tribute?
5. Have you completed all MKSS lessons and submitted all 10 homework assignments?
Did you think this was going to be easy?
To be a personal pet is very different than someone who wants a session and you must put my needs very high on you priority list. My spare time is spent very carefully and if you want any of it you'll want to play your cards right. My pets are always looking for ways to make my life better, easier or more beautiful. In turn finding a safe space to truly be themselves, explore their limits and enrich their vanilla life through servitude to a true genuine and divine Goddess.
I am always interviewing new personal pets with any or all interests listed on my menu.
*Male or female submissives are welcome to submit a request for consideration.
*All types of pets
*Prospective pets are expected to participate in tribute Tuesday within their budget until you are an established serving pet.
*Goddess always has options for non monetary servitude for those who have established their position in her world.
*Local pets get extra privileges/ positions based on how much they serve their Goddess.
* Personal pets must be willing to create content in their chosen kinks

How can I be considered for personal pet?
You must catch my attention, send tribute and come to a Fetlife party or event I an hosting or attending. Introduce yourself with flair. Complete the MKSS lessons and submit each homework assignment by email. Present tribute and yourself. I want to see an immense amount of effort if you want to be mine. You will have to prove to me you are worthy of representing and serving me. You must earn it!
Diary Entry:
Ty's first correspondence to me was worded so perfectly I read it twice. he was very clear about my rules and about wanting to serve me. Ty was given the chance to chat with me and to prove himself. After some time and plenty of online exploration he was granted an interview. He was nervous but well spoken, scrawny but well dressed. He brought tribute for his interview and presented it on a silver platter. His hands were shaking and it made me giggle. I truly intimidated him. We sat and talked about what he desired and he said all the right things. After he left, I thought "eh we shall see". Over the next few months Ty checked in often asking what he could do to serve me. He ran errands, fetched things I needed, and did anything I asked. I was impressed but still not convinced. Would his enthusiasm wane over time after getting to scratch the service itch?
It did not. Ty continued to serve, clean, please, and obey for months. Serving at a particular tea party almost two years ago he truly made me realiz e just how devoted he was to his Goddess. I was so nproud of his progress and presentation of himself and his service, I decided to consider him mine. He's my hand to the queen and he defiantly earned his place.
It took Ty 3 months to be noticed and get to see me in person and 6 months of service for me to consider him for personal pet. He has been 100% respectful of my partner and our boundaries. He is professional and polite. He is a loyal and vital part of my world. The boy knows how to tie a Windsor knot and he's always prim and proper. This is what anyone who wants my attention is being compared too so plan your first impression carefully.